Statistika pristupu k serveru

Summary Period: October 2015
Generated 01-nov-2015 04:19 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2015
Total Hits 350585
Total Files 294180
Total Pages 130482
Total Visits 22543
Total kB Files 770614
Total kB In 8479961
Total kB Out 135104
Total Unique Sites 10222
Total Unique URLs 387
Total Unique Referrers 1105
Total Unique User Agents 184
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 471 7874
Hits per Day 11309 95965
Files per Day 9489 82198
Pages per Day 4209 36076
Sites per Day 329 2918
Visits per Day 727 4535
kB Files per Day 24859 153421
kB In per Day 273547 2352684
kB Out per Day 4358 37272
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0,00% 16
Code 200 - OK 83,91% 294180
Code 206 - Partial Content 0,03% 92
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0,06% 201
Code 302 - Found 1,81% 6360
Code 304 - Not Modified 3,75% 13158
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0,00% 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 0,04% 125
Code 404 - Not Found 10,40% 36446
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0,00% 4
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0,00% 2

Daily usage for October 2015

Daily Statistics for October 2015
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F kB In kB Out
1 95965 27,37% 82198 27,94% 36076 27,65% 4535 20,12% 2918 28,55% 153421 19,91% 2352684 27,74% 37272 27,59%
2 47425 13,53% 39811 13,53% 18795 14,40% 2695 11,95% 2001 19,58% 79537 10,32% 1150409 13,57% 18365 13,59%
3 24569 7,01% 20569 6,99% 8534 6,54% 1354 6,01% 1114 10,90% 43615 5,66% 586015 6,91% 9443 6,99%
4 16665 4,75% 13695 4,66% 5615 4,30% 947 4,20% 796 7,79% 32737 4,25% 397690 4,69% 6435 4,76%
5 18007 5,14% 14697 5,00% 5786 4,43% 996 4,42% 816 7,98% 34584 4,49% 436792 5,15% 6921 5,12%
6 9839 2,81% 8015 2,72% 3085 2,36% 688 3,05% 514 5,03% 24201 3,14% 230810 2,72% 3800 2,81%
7 6956 1,98% 5753 1,96% 2407 1,84% 658 2,92% 518 5,07% 21786 2,83% 172022 2,03% 2571 1,90%
8 6044 1,72% 4975 1,69% 2123 1,63% 568 2,52% 457 4,47% 20606 2,67% 133236 1,57% 2274 1,68%
9 5615 1,60% 4779 1,62% 2148 1,65% 496 2,20% 403 3,94% 18926 2,46% 135484 1,60% 2105 1,56%
10 5383 1,54% 4517 1,54% 2227 1,71% 465 2,06% 353 3,45% 15315 1,99% 134159 1,58% 1977 1,46%
11 6167 1,76% 5085 1,73% 2660 2,04% 467 2,07% 334 3,27% 18071 2,34% 149349 1,76% 2232 1,65%
12 5981 1,71% 5059 1,72% 2365 1,81% 449 1,99% 320 3,13% 16809 2,18% 144787 1,71% 4426 3,28%
13 5177 1,48% 4284 1,46% 1802 1,38% 422 1,87% 321 3,14% 17024 2,21% 124450 1,47% 1889 1,40%
14 5795 1,65% 4594 1,56% 2238 1,72% 472 2,09% 347 3,39% 19354 2,51% 144645 1,71% 2056 1,52%
15 5304 1,51% 4342 1,48% 2084 1,60% 436 1,93% 303 2,96% 20412 2,65% 120587 1,42% 1983 1,47%
16 4387 1,25% 3720 1,26% 1698 1,30% 400 1,77% 267 2,61% 29645 3,85% 106804 1,26% 1598 1,18%
17 5115 1,46% 4254 1,45% 2359 1,81% 361 1,60% 249 2,44% 18899 2,45% 127088 1,50% 1831 1,36%
18 5653 1,61% 4668 1,59% 2734 2,10% 668 2,96% 568 5,56% 17788 2,31% 144206 1,70% 1924 1,42%
19 5738 1,64% 4843 1,65% 2184 1,67% 463 2,05% 335 3,28% 16121 2,09% 136748 1,61% 2183 1,62%
20 4929 1,41% 4240 1,44% 2053 1,57% 390 1,73% 275 2,69% 15563 2,02% 119058 1,40% 1851 1,37%
21 4088 1,17% 3365 1,14% 1532 1,17% 388 1,72% 284 2,78% 11509 1,49% 105388 1,24% 1543 1,14%
22 4415 1,26% 3675 1,25% 1730 1,33% 411 1,82% 295 2,89% 14312 1,86% 101780 1,20% 1604 1,19%
23 4569 1,30% 3791 1,29% 1980 1,52% 407 1,81% 309 3,02% 12910 1,68% 111967 1,32% 1663 1,23%
24 3346 0,95% 2808 0,95% 1299 1,00% 329 1,46% 233 2,28% 7566 0,98% 81916 0,97% 1212 0,90%
25 5359 1,53% 4428 1,51% 2138 1,64% 432 1,92% 315 3,08% 11625 1,51% 120130 1,42% 1939 1,44%
26 4572 1,30% 3747 1,27% 1682 1,29% 398 1,77% 298 2,92% 10524 1,37% 109944 1,30% 1653 1,22%
27 5029 1,43% 4218 1,43% 1755 1,35% 414 1,84% 340 3,33% 10025 1,30% 116110 1,37% 1830 1,35%
28 5414 1,54% 4330 1,47% 2111 1,62% 415 1,84% 326 3,19% 11977 1,55% 121620 1,43% 1941 1,44%
29 4625 1,32% 3957 1,35% 1582 1,21% 376 1,67% 304 2,97% 8678 1,13% 119566 1,41% 1692 1,25%
30 6283 1,79% 5358 1,82% 1947 1,49% 437 1,94% 358 3,50% 12277 1,59% 154454 1,82% 2357 1,74%
31 12171 3,47% 10405 3,54% 3753 2,88% 673 2,99% 571 5,59% 24797 3,22% 290065 3,42% 4530 3,35%

Hourly usage for October 2015

Hourly Statistics for October 2015
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F kB In kB Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 351 10887 3,11% 296 9201 3,13% 147 4566 3,50% 833 25810 3,35% 8998 278930 3,29% 129 4013 2,97%
1 235 7310 2,09% 203 6307 2,14% 92 2852 2,19% 574 17797 2,31% 5612 173965 2,05% 87 2689 1,99%
2 182 5649 1,61% 154 4796 1,63% 64 1987 1,52% 519 16076 2,09% 4838 149985 1,77% 66 2039 1,51%
3 176 5475 1,56% 143 4439 1,51% 63 1954 1,50% 557 17278 2,24% 4146 128528 1,52% 65 2008 1,49%
4 213 6610 1,89% 173 5368 1,82% 77 2401 1,84% 518 16048 2,08% 4898 151827 1,79% 79 2439 1,80%
5 209 6489 1,85% 181 5611 1,91% 82 2548 1,95% 553 17145 2,22% 5113 158496 1,87% 76 2365 1,75%
6 357 11087 3,16% 305 9475 3,22% 128 3969 3,04% 816 25307 3,28% 8684 269201 3,17% 137 4252 3,15%
7 569 17643 5,03% 466 14471 4,92% 202 6290 4,82% 1157 35857 4,65% 13969 433030 5,11% 223 6899 5,11%
8 722 22401 6,39% 603 18722 6,36% 265 8244 6,32% 1497 46415 6,02% 17089 529772 6,25% 277 8599 6,36%
9 589 18276 5,21% 491 15241 5,18% 223 6919 5,30% 1193 36968 4,80% 14394 446210 5,26% 222 6879 5,09%
10 563 17459 4,98% 469 14560 4,95% 206 6388 4,90% 1199 37174 4,82% 13661 423489 4,99% 216 6683 4,95%
11 558 17303 4,94% 462 14342 4,88% 213 6624 5,08% 1142 35410 4,60% 13748 426175 5,03% 211 6535 4,84%
12 544 16879 4,81% 446 13848 4,71% 199 6172 4,73% 1107 34311 4,45% 13834 428851 5,06% 211 6532 4,83%
13 490 15213 4,34% 409 12692 4,31% 177 5515 4,23% 1074 33306 4,32% 11401 353437 4,17% 186 5772 4,27%
14 570 17671 5,04% 464 14402 4,90% 216 6706 5,14% 1238 38378 4,98% 13418 415972 4,91% 214 6642 4,92%
15 497 15431 4,40% 421 13075 4,44% 187 5825 4,46% 1013 31411 4,08% 11741 363969 4,29% 188 5828 4,31%
16 518 16069 4,58% 438 13606 4,63% 194 6043 4,63% 1081 33511 4,35% 12702 393770 4,64% 194 6024 4,46%
17 509 15797 4,51% 438 13591 4,62% 190 5913 4,53% 1192 36948 4,79% 12073 374269 4,41% 267 8264 6,12%
18 570 17690 5,05% 487 15118 5,14% 225 6986 5,35% 1453 45040 5,84% 13504 418638 4,94% 213 6603 4,89%
19 570 17677 5,04% 480 14887 5,06% 211 6559 5,03% 1223 37915 4,92% 13745 426105 5,02% 216 6698 4,96%
20 640 19851 5,66% 548 17004 5,78% 235 7307 5,60% 1349 41807 5,43% 15735 487789 5,75% 244 7560 5,60%
21 639 19837 5,66% 535 16599 5,64% 227 7044 5,40% 1341 41557 5,39% 15538 481690 5,68% 247 7658 5,67%
22 610 18929 5,40% 509 15809 5,37% 223 6923 5,31% 1340 41527 5,39% 15399 477371 5,63% 233 7232 5,35%
23 417 12952 3,69% 355 11016 3,74% 153 4747 3,64% 891 27617 3,58% 9306 288492 3,40% 158 4889 3,62%

Top 30 of 387 Total URLs
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 41898 11,95% 216433 28,09% 1012532 11,94% 24772 18,34% /astrologia/
2 41894 11,95% 8149 1,06% 1013047 11,95% 2923 2,16% /astrologia/../check_send.php
3 11358 3,24% 10868 1,41% 275202 3,25% 4644 3,44% /new.css
4 10161 2,90% 10099 1,31% 246498 2,91% 3743 2,77% /
5 8203 2,34% 1576 0,20% 195220 2,30% 577 0,43% /astrotouch/../check_send.php
6 8189 2,34% 56867 7,38% 194755 2,30% 4039 2,99% /astrotouch/
7 1804 0,51% 9682 1,26% 44091 0,52% 478 0,35% /access/
8 1552 0,44% 3162 0,41% 37447 0,44% 706 0,52% /azoznamka/photo.php
9 1189 0,34% 63 0,01% 29274 0,35% 268 0,20% /robots.txt
10 602 0,17% 78199 10,15% 14533 0,17% 198 0,15% /access/usage_201501.html
11 584 0,17% 51828 6,73% 14392 0,17% 166 0,12% /access/usage_201510.html
12 386 0,11% 188 0,02% 9620 0,11% 145 0,11% /astrologia/mapa-stranky.html
13 360 0,10% 27557 3,58% 9640 0,11% 115 0,09% /access/usage_200806.html
14 298 0,09% 508 0,07% 7495 0,09% 124 0,09% /astrologia/astrologicka-kompatibilita.html
15 159 0,05% 1085 0,14% 3783 0,04% 65 0,05% /astrologia/ukazka-partnersky-horoskop.html
16 143 0,04% 345 0,04% 3111 0,04% 52 0,04% /astrologia/darceky-podla-znamenia.html
17 139 0,04% 403 0,05% 3454 0,04% 54 0,04% /astrologia/astrologicke-domy.html
18 136 0,04% 19241 2,50% 2791 0,03% 41 0,03% /access/usage_201509.html
19 107 0,03% 159 0,02% 2645 0,03% 41 0,03% /astrologia/09_2015_ryb_mes.html
20 106 0,03% 174 0,02% 2421 0,03% 39 0,03% /astrologia/09_2015_lev_mes.html
21 105 0,03% 833 0,11% 2705 0,03% 43 0,03% /astrologia/ukazka-osobny-horoskop.html
22 99 0,03% 124 0,02% 2325 0,03% 37 0,03% /astrologia/09_2015_bar_mes.html
23 93 0,03% 11190 1,45% 2482 0,03% 27 0,02% /access/usage_201503.html
24 91 0,03% 182 0,02% 2220 0,03% 32 0,02% /astrologia/znamenia-suhvezdia.html
25 90 0,03% 69 0,01% 2261 0,03% 32 0,02% /astrologia/retrogradne-planety.html
26 87 0,02% 196 0,03% 1909 0,02% 32 0,02% /astrologia/10_2015_koz_mes.html
27 83 0,02% 144 0,02% 1601 0,02% 32 0,02% /astrologia/09_2015_vah_mes.html
28 83 0,02% 166 0,02% 1966 0,02% 28 0,02% /astrologia/10_2015_rak_mes.html
29 82 0,02% 166 0,02% 1688 0,02% 29 0,02% /astrologia/09_2015_str_mes.html
30 78 0,02% 149 0,02% 1896 0,02% 25 0,02% /astrologia/10_2015_pan_mes.html

Top 10 of 387 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F kB In kB Out URL
1 41898 11,95% 216433 28,09% 1012532 11,94% 24772 18,34% /astrologia/
2 602 0,17% 78199 10,15% 14533 0,17% 198 0,15% /access/usage_201501.html
3 8189 2,34% 56867 7,38% 194755 2,30% 4039 2,99% /astrotouch/
4 584 0,17% 51828 6,73% 14392 0,17% 166 0,12% /access/usage_201510.html
5 360 0,10% 27557 3,58% 9640 0,11% 115 0,09% /access/usage_200806.html
6 136 0,04% 19241 2,50% 2791 0,03% 41 0,03% /access/usage_201509.html
7 93 0,03% 11190 1,45% 2482 0,03% 27 0,02% /access/usage_201503.html
8 11358 3,24% 10868 1,41% 275202 3,25% 4644 3,44% /new.css
9 10161 2,90% 10099 1,31% 246498 2,91% 3743 2,77% /
10 1804 0,51% 9682 1,26% 44091 0,52% 478 0,35% /access/

Top 10 of 165 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 10161 2,90% 7716 36,43% /
2 41898 11,95% 6587 31,10% /astrologia/
3 8189 2,34% 2991 14,12% /astrotouch/
4 1804 0,51% 774 3,65% /access/
5 602 0,17% 324 1,53% /access/usage_201501.html
6 298 0,09% 213 1,01% /astrologia/astrologicka-kompatibilita.html
7 386 0,11% 191 0,90% /astrologia/mapa-stranky.html
8 584 0,17% 148 0,70% /access/usage_201510.html
9 360 0,10% 134 0,63% /access/usage_200806.html
10 159 0,05% 103 0,49% /astrologia/ukazka-partnersky-horoskop.html

Top 10 of 165 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 41898 11,95% 11027 52,03% /astrologia/
2 8189 2,34% 3303 15,58% /astrotouch/
3 10161 2,90% 2974 14,03% /
4 1804 0,51% 762 3,60% /access/
5 602 0,17% 323 1,52% /access/usage_201501.html
6 298 0,09% 207 0,98% /astrologia/astrologicka-kompatibilita.html
7 584 0,17% 144 0,68% /access/usage_201510.html
8 386 0,11% 137 0,65% /astrologia/mapa-stranky.html
9 360 0,10% 136 0,64% /access/usage_200806.html
10 159 0,05% 102 0,48% /astrologia/ukazka-partnersky-horoskop.html

Top 30 of 10222 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 51468 14,68% 51468 17,50% 10904 1,41% 1241302 14,64% 3577 2,65% 89 0,39% 2001:1ba0:2a0:5965:0:30:28:1
2 2221 0,63% 2107 0,72% 4531 0,59% 57942 0,68% 839 0,62% 29 0,13%
3 1436 0,41% 223 0,08% 1097 0,14% 35248 0,42% 443 0,33% 493 2,19%
4 1275 0,36% 1273 0,43% 5742 0,75% 32080 0,38% 653 0,48% 23 0,10%
5 1205 0,34% 1120 0,38% 5109 0,66% 28452 0,34% 592 0,44% 37 0,16%
6 939 0,27% 936 0,32% 4251 0,55% 22913 0,27% 481 0,36% 32 0,14%
7 820 0,23% 407 0,14% 1290 0,17% 19554 0,23% 480 0,35% 26 0,12%
8 711 0,20% 515 0,18% 1728 0,22% 16232 0,19% 2643 1,96% 16 0,07%
9 670 0,19% 628 0,21% 2860 0,37% 15604 0,18% 331 0,24% 23 0,10%
10 604 0,17% 210 0,07% 1489 0,19% 13711 0,16% 117 0,09% 2 0,01%
11 567 0,16% 567 0,19% 76871 9,98% 13704 0,16% 188 0,14% 312 1,38%
12 548 0,16% 446 0,15% 954 0,12% 13510 0,16% 264 0,20% 28 0,12%
13 523 0,15% 392 0,13% 729 0,09% 12039 0,14% 200 0,15% 60 0,27%
14 500 0,14% 394 0,13% 781 0,10% 11768 0,14% 181 0,13% 70 0,31%
15 475 0,14% 366 0,12% 562 0,07% 11339 0,13% 182 0,13% 60 0,27%
16 475 0,14% 71 0,02% 205 0,03% 11071 0,13% 273 0,20% 7 0,03%
17 469 0,13% 376 0,13% 508 0,07% 15483 0,18% 184 0,14% 7 0,03%
18 452 0,13% 204 0,07% 383 0,05% 9758 0,12% 221 0,16% 9 0,04%
19 446 0,13% 376 0,13% 850 0,11% 10838 0,13% 203 0,15% 29 0,13%
20 440 0,13% 200 0,07% 767 0,10% 10538 0,12% 152 0,11% 244 1,08%
21 431 0,12% 413 0,14% 1881 0,24% 10133 0,12% 215 0,16% 11 0,05%
22 424 0,12% 380 0,13% 872 0,11% 9513 0,11% 243 0,18% 11 0,05%
23 413 0,12% 163 0,06% 573 0,07% 9804 0,12% 144 0,11% 239 1,06%
24 413 0,12% 163 0,06% 616 0,08% 9946 0,12% 145 0,11% 250 1,11%
25 407 0,12% 391 0,13% 987 0,13% 7921 0,09% 169 0,13% 15 0,07%
26 400 0,11% 400 0,14% 740 0,10% 8385 0,10% 83 0,06% 20 0,09%
27 382 0,11% 372 0,13% 1137 0,15% 8744 0,10% 167 0,12% 11 0,05%
28 353 0,10% 246 0,08% 908 0,12% 7330 0,09% 167 0,12% 23 0,10%
29 350 0,10% 291 0,10% 695 0,09% 8807 0,10% 133 0,10% 32 0,14%
30 350 0,10% 296 0,10% 438 0,06% 7768 0,09% 133 0,10% 17 0,08%

Top 10 of 10222 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Visits Hostname
1 567 0,16% 567 0,19% 76871 9,98% 13704 0,16% 188 0,14% 312 1,38%
2 312 0,09% 312 0,11% 45758 5,94% 7827 0,09% 106 0,08% 103 0,46%
3 150 0,04% 150 0,05% 14254 1,85% 3934 0,05% 46 0,03% 23 0,10%
4 132 0,04% 132 0,04% 14083 1,83% 2372 0,03% 38 0,03% 23 0,10%
5 84 0,02% 83 0,03% 13373 1,74% 2234 0,03% 24 0,02% 18 0,08%
6 51468 14,68% 51468 17,50% 10904 1,41% 1241302 14,64% 3577 2,65% 89 0,39% 2001:1ba0:2a0:5965:0:30:28:1
7 211 0,06% 147 0,05% 6573 0,85% 5170 0,06% 48 0,04% 79 0,35%
8 1275 0,36% 1273 0,43% 5742 0,75% 32080 0,38% 653 0,48% 23 0,10%
9 224 0,06% 138 0,05% 5148 0,67% 5693 0,07% 51 0,04% 82 0,36%
10 1205 0,34% 1120 0,38% 5109 0,66% 28452 0,34% 592 0,44% 37 0,16%

Top 30 of 1105 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2441 0,70%
2 1158 0,33%
3 1085 0,31%
4 938 0,27%
5 927 0,26%
6 566 0,16%
7 386 0,11%
8 364 0,10%
9 290 0,08%
10 277 0,08%
11 276 0,08%
12 237 0,07%
13 166 0,05%
14 154 0,04%
15 151 0,04%
16 123 0,04%
17 103 0,03%
18 102 0,03%
19 100 0,03%
20 100 0,03%
21 100 0,03%
22 100 0,03%
23 100 0,03%
24 93 0,03%
25 92 0,03%
26 89 0,03%
27 87 0,02%
28 86 0,02%
29 81 0,02%
30 72 0,02%

Top 20 of 96 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 142 38,17% astrotouch
2 17 4,57%
3 16 4,30%
4 14 3,76% astrozoznamka
5 11 2,96% astrotouch horoskop
6 9 2,42% horoskop krakovsky
7 9 2,42% horoskop mesačný
8 9 2,42% krakovsky horoskopy
9 8 2,15% horoskopy
10 6 1,61% astrotouch ryby
11 6 1,61% horoskopy astrotouch
12 6 1,61% všetky horoskopy
13 5 1,34% astrotouch sk
14 5 1,34% mesačný horoskop
15 4 1,08% horoskop astrotouch
16 4 1,08% mesacny horoskop
17 4 1,08%
18 3 0,81% mesačný horoskop ryby
19 2 0,54% astrotouch vahy
20 2 0,54% astrotuch

Top 15 of 184 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 262861 74,98% Mozilla/5.0
2 6011 1,71% MSIE 8.0
3 5709 1,63% MSIE 9.0
4 3274 0,93% MSIE 10.0
5 2949 0,84% Opera 9.8
6 2416 0,69% MSIE 6.0
7 1740 0,50% Googlebot/2.1
8 1660 0,47% Yahoo! Slurp
9 1340 0,38% bingbot/2.0
10 1278 0,36% MSIE 7.0
11 858 0,24% MJ12bot/v1.4
12 742 0,21% Feedfetcher-Google; (+; 2 subscribers; feed-id=6791462179452019499)
13 604 0,17% MegaIndex.r
14 536 0,15% okhttp/2.3.0
15 513 0,15% Google favicon

Usage by Country for October 2015

Top 50 of 101 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F kB In kB Out Country
1 145152 41,40% 118893 40,42% 288159 37,39% 3509688 41,39% 67618 50,05% Slovakia
2 104403 29,78% 93529 31,79% 234075 30,38% 2559275 30,18% 26021 19,26% Unresolved/Unknown
3 34990 9,98% 29198 9,93% 48070 6,24% 824305 9,72% 14894 11,02% Network (net)
4 25594 7,30% 20024 6,81% 58180 7,55% 603287 7,11% 9721 7,19% Commercial (com)
5 12517 3,57% 10058 3,42% 23431 3,04% 311258 3,67% 5338 3,95% Czech Republic
6 4950 1,41% 3479 1,18% 69425 9,01% 112887 1,33% 1979 1,46% Germany
7 2625 0,75% 1829 0,62% 4454 0,58% 62950 0,74% 1214 0,90% Austria
8 1988 0,57% 1663 0,57% 2100 0,27% 49598 0,58% 792 0,59% Canada
9 1638 0,47% 1462 0,50% 2141 0,28% 36239 0,43% 693 0,51% Australia
10 1518 0,43% 1318 0,45% 2896 0,38% 37678 0,44% 652 0,48% Switzerland
11 1182 0,34% 1027 0,35% 4047 0,53% 28322 0,33% 485 0,36% Netherlands
12 1053 0,30% 819 0,28% 992 0,13% 28923 0,34% 458 0,34% India
13 1046 0,30% 844 0,29% 1666 0,22% 28046 0,33% 453 0,34% United Kingdom
14 1045 0,30% 806 0,27% 3247 0,42% 24384 0,29% 310 0,23% European Union
15 599 0,17% 462 0,16% 843 0,11% 16052 0,19% 249 0,18% Belgium
16 593 0,17% 506 0,17% 1408 0,18% 12973 0,15% 262 0,19% Hungary
17 587 0,17% 505 0,17% 677 0,09% 14710 0,17% 248 0,18% Serbia
18 580 0,17% 488 0,17% 1080 0,14% 16392 0,19% 247 0,18% Address Routing (arpa)
19 541 0,15% 474 0,16% 726 0,09% 11815 0,14% 225 0,17% France
20 507 0,14% 444 0,15% 716 0,09% 10831 0,13% 216 0,16% Norway
21 499 0,14% 435 0,15% 639 0,08% 10892 0,13% 209 0,15% Greece
22 497 0,14% 430 0,15% 739 0,10% 13479 0,16% 220 0,16% Portugal
23 479 0,14% 446 0,15% 5921 0,77% 11722 0,14% 160 0,12% Russian Federation
24 470 0,13% 424 0,14% 745 0,10% 14192 0,17% 204 0,15% Finland
25 441 0,13% 317 0,11% 446 0,06% 11074 0,13% 185 0,14% Educational (edu)
26 329 0,09% 295 0,10% 552 0,07% 5830 0,07% 150 0,11% Italy
27 300 0,09% 278 0,09% 2368 0,31% 7044 0,08% 74 0,05% Ukraine
28 296 0,08% 284 0,10% 463 0,06% 6718 0,08% 120 0,09% Brazil
29 277 0,08% 245 0,08% 343 0,04% 6031 0,07% 111 0,08% Sweden
30 260 0,07% 234 0,08% 266 0,03% 5924 0,07% 104 0,08% Thailand
31 245 0,07% 225 0,08% 435 0,06% 6814 0,08% 96 0,07% Japan
32 232 0,07% 137 0,05% 150 0,02% 5204 0,06% 103 0,08% Estonia
33 232 0,07% 208 0,07% 531 0,07% 6557 0,08% 95 0,07% Poland
34 201 0,06% 181 0,06% 272 0,04% 5328 0,06% 82 0,06% Denmark
35 194 0,06% 167 0,06% 262 0,03% 5677 0,07% 79 0,06% Spain
36 194 0,06% 166 0,06% 179 0,02% 3579 0,04% 79 0,06% Croatia
37 193 0,06% 173 0,06% 163 0,02% 3499 0,04% 79 0,06% South Africa
38 185 0,05% 159 0,05% 4447 0,58% 4839 0,06% 69 0,05% Non-Profit (org)
39 181 0,05% 139 0,05% 335 0,04% 3797 0,04% 80 0,06% Ireland
40 174 0,05% 145 0,05% 219 0,03% 3373 0,04% 78 0,06% Turkey
41 137 0,04% 122 0,04% 139 0,02% 2944 0,03% 56 0,04% Singapore
42 112 0,03% 107 0,04% 104 0,01% 3665 0,04% 41 0,03% Bulgaria
43 109 0,03% 96 0,03% 105 0,01% 2384 0,03% 47 0,03% Romania
44 97 0,03% 82 0,03% 153 0,02% 1595 0,02% 43 0,03% Jordan
45 82 0,02% 67 0,02% 87 0,01% 2130 0,03% 35 0,03% US Government (gov)
46 82 0,02% 67 0,02% 141 0,02% 1524 0,02% 36 0,03% Cyprus
47 77 0,02% 67 0,02% 175 0,02% 2771 0,03% 35 0,03% Luxembourg
48 74 0,02% 60 0,02% 80 0,01% 1468 0,02% 35 0,03% Israel
49 65 0,02% 57 0,02% 78 0,01% 1480 0,02% 26 0,02% Vietnam
50 60 0,02% 56 0,02% 53 0,01% 1327 0,02% 27 0,02% Brunei Darussalam

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